Department of Pediatrics

Profiling heart cells

A “profile” of the genes and regulatory networks that govern early heart valve development lay the groundwork for generating valves from a patient’s own cells.

Photo: Longtime collaborators

Jeffrey Whitsett, M.D., of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, poses with his Vanderbilt colleague and longtime research collaborator, Mildred Stahlman, M.D., professor of Pediatrics, prior to delivering his Flexner Discovery Lecture entitled “Lessons from Newborn Infants,” March 28 in Vanderbilt’s Light Hall.

Plant compound stops colon cancer cells

Berberine, an herbal remedy for diarrhea and intestinal parasites, may be useful in colon cancer therapy.

Surveillance network tracks shift in cause of childhood diarrhea

A national vaccine surveillance program that Vanderbilt University is a part of has identified a significant shift in the most common cause of childhood diarrhea.

Infant mortality initiative’s achievements recognized

The recognition of three Vanderbilt-based leaders of the Tennessee Initiative for Perinatal Quality Care (TIPQC) caps off the collaboration’s highly successful first five years of work.

Gene ‘dose’ may be key to autism

Individuals with overexpression of the gene MECP2 have core features of autism spectrum disorder.

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