Department of Pharmacology

A spicy finding

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered that curcumin — the active ingredient in the spice turmeric — needs to be metabolically activated to exert anti-inflammatory effects.

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Vanderbilt signs licensing, research agreements to develop new approach to schizophrenia treatment

Under the terms of the licensing agreement, Lundbeck has exclusively licensed rights to compounds developed at Vanderbilt that act on a receptor in the brain that has been implicated in schizophrenia.

Lindsley honored by Pharmaceutical Society of Japan

Craig Lindsley, PhD, the William K. Warren Jr. Professor of Medicine at Vanderbilt, is the 2018 recipient of the Sato Memorial International Award of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.

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Study may point to new treatment approach for ASD

Using sophisticated genome mining and gene manipulation techniques, researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) have solved a mystery that could lead to a new treatment approach for autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

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Meet Vanderbilt’s first Academic Pathways fellows

Seven outstanding Ph.D.’s with diverse backgrounds and experiences have come to Vanderbilt to pursue postdoctoral training with an eye toward academic careers.

McGill University honors Roden’s research career

Dan Roden, M.D., Senior Vice President for Personalized Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), was named to receive the 2017 Medicine Alumni Global Lifetime Achievement Award by the Faculty of Medicine of his alma mater, McGill University.

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