DNA damage

Mechanism of a DNA repair protein

Vanderbilt investigators have discovered details about the mechanism of an important DNA repair protein that maintains genome stability.

Copying chromosome caps

Telomeres – the caps on the end of chromosomes – are a source of stress for a particular protein involved in copying DNA, a new study reports.

DNA sequence visualization

Study reveals how protein helps cells tolerate DNA damage

Vanderbilt and Stanford investigators have discovered how a protein that’s part of the DNA replication “machinery” helps cells tolerate DNA damage.

Repair protein’s DNA recognition motif

Insights into the workings of DNA damage response proteins such as SMARCAL1 could suggest new ways to improve genome integrity and prevent cancer.

Bypassing DNA damage

Studies of a human polymerase that replicates DNA have provided a complete kinetic and structural framework for understanding how the enzyme accurately bypasses DNA damage.

Probing roles of a cell death protein

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered new roles for a protein involved in cell death processes that are activated to prevent tumor-causing DNA mutations.

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