Doctor of Nursing Practice

School of Nursing pinning ceremony recognizes student completion of programs

The Vanderbilt University School of Nursing recognized Nurse-Midwifery and Doctor of Nursing Practice students with pinning ceremonies that marked the completion of their programs in December.

Legislators encourage nursing students to share real-life impact of health care issues

Be involved, be personal and be succinct. That’s what two Tennessee lawmakers told doctoral nursing students interested in health care policy.

The Owen Graduate School of Management (Vanderbilt University)

Vanderbilt University’s Owen Graduate School of Management jumps five spots in ‘U.S. News’ rankings

Vanderbilt University’s Owen Graduate School of Management jumped five spots to No. 22 to score its highest ranking yet on a list of top graduate business schools in the nation compiled by “U.S. News & World Report.”

VUSN to offer Lean Methodology in Health Care course

Vanderbilt School of Nursing’s Health Systems Management program is offering a Lean Methodology in Health Care course this fall. Lean is a quality improvement methodology first developed by Toyota and applied to numerous industries, including health care.