
reading instruction

‘White matter’ behaves differently in children with dyslexia

Trans-institutional neuroimaging research at Vanderbilt finds that the brain may be structured differently in children with dyslexia.

Photo: Discovery Lecture

Discovery Lecture to feature two pioneers in dyslexia care, research

Sally Shaywitz, M.D., and Bennett Shaywitz, M.D., co-directors of the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity, will deliver the next Flexner Discovery Lecture on Thursday, April 17.

Vanderbilt study reveals senses of sight and sound separated in children with autism

Children with autism spectrum disorders have trouble integrating simultaneous information from their eyes and their ears–as if they experience the world like a badly-dubbed movie.

Perfect timing for sensory processing

Identification of brain regions involved in processing sights and sounds may offer insights into disorders like autism and dyslexia.