
Appendix cancer survival in young patients varies by race: study

The first study of appendiceal cancer patterns and survival by race/ethnicity among patients younger than 50 in the U.S. showed survival disparities.

About half of health care workers positive for COVID-19 by serology have no symptoms

The IVY Research Network has completed initial studies evaluating the epidemiology of COVID-19 in health care workers and patients.

Questions and answers on epidemiology of COVID-19

Though he specializes in chronic disease, epidemiologist Qi Dai, MD, PhD, professor of Medicine, has been closely following the international scientific literature on SARS-CoV-2 and the disease it causes, COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019).

Meat intake and colorectal polyps

Red and processed meat intakes are strongly associated with increased risk of sessile serrated polyps, which are not as well studied as conventional adenomas.

HDL-cholesterol and breast cancer risk

Genetic analyses suggest that high circulating HDL-cholesterol levels may increase breast cancer risk — a surprising finding since increased HDL-cholesterol is thought to be healthy.

Potential prostate cancer biomarkers

An analysis of more than 140,000 people of European ancestry has identified blood protein biomarkers associated with prostate cancer risk.

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