Erin Tickle

Erin Tickle, RN, MMHC, DNP, and Roderick Armstrong, RN, MMHC, CPN, take part in the 2022 Nursing Staff Bylaws Convention.

VUMC Nursing Staff Bylaws guide way to latest, best practices

More than 150 nurses from throughout Vanderbilt University Medical Center gathered over Zoom recently for the biennial Nursing Staff Bylaws Convention, the second to be held virtually.

Nursing Staff Bylaws Convention outlines latest, best practices

More than 170 nurses from across Vanderbilt University Medical Center gathered over Zoom for the biennial Nursing Staff Bylaws Convention, the first to be held virtually.

StrategyShare2020 co-chairs Erin Tickle, MMHC, RN, and David Calkins, PhD, guided the program from physically distant podiums in front of cameras at VUMC’s Collaboration Space on West End Avenue.

StrategyShare2020 presents thought-provoking sessions

Although the global COVID-19 pandemic forced StrategyShare2020 organizers to rapidly transform the event to an online-only format, there were no compromises in the quality and depth of the presentations, and more than 1,000 individuals registered to participate interactively, a record number for the annual event.

StrategyShare 2020 to proceed in virtual sessions

New dates and a revised, virtual format have been announced for StrategyShare2020, with the first session on Sept. 29.

VUMC Nursing Staff Bylaws guide way to latest, best practices

More than 150 nurses from Vanderbilt University Medical Center convened in Langford Auditorium recently for an occasion that happens once every two years: the Nursing Staff Bylaws Convention.