g protein

From left, Sheila Collins, PhD, Ryan Ceddia, PhD, and Heidi Hamm, PhD, and their colleagues have identified a potential new approach to reducing the global impact of obesity and diabetes. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

Releasing a brake that drives obesity and diabetes

Vanderbilt researchers have uncovered a potential new way to help curb the rapidly rising worldwide prevalence of metabolic disorders, including obesity and diabetes.

Cancer’s SOS

Stephen Fesik and colleagues are advancing cancer drug discovery with the characterization of small molecules that modulate RAS, an important target for anti-cancer therapies.


VU researchers report G protein advancement that could lead to more effective drugs

Thanks in part to a computer program named “Rosetta,” Vanderbilt University researchers are closer to understanding how the ubiquitous G protein is activated – a discovery that could lead to the design of more specific and effective drugs.

Hamm’s research honored by Dutch pharmacology society

Heidi Hamm, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Pharmacology, has won the 2012 Ariens Award from the Dutch Pharmacological Society.

Nobel in Chemistry reveals VU ties that bind

Several Vanderbilt researchers have collaborated with this year’s Nobel Chemistry winners.