
School of Medicine graduate Sai Chennupati receives his academic hood from Amy Fleming, MD, MScHPE.

Commencement 2023

Hundreds of Vanderbilt medical, nursing and graduate students took part in last week’s Commencement.

Recognition of graduating students takes new approach

On Friday, May 8, Vanderbilt University Schools of Medicine and Nursing and the Basic Sciences celebrated students earning degrees. They will have the opportunity to return to the Vanderbilt University campus in May 2021 for the University-wide official Commencement ceremony.

Pearson receives Shovel Award from VUSM students

Each year, the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine graduating fourth-year class honors one faculty member with the Shovel Award in recognition of the exceptionally meaningful impact he or she has had on their medical education.

Patient who was too sick to attend daughter’s graduation recovering after double lung transplant

Bridget Perez could barely walk a few steps. Now she’s walking laps at the Dayani Center track and marveling at how it feels to breathe again.

Bridget Perez was in intensive care and couldn’t make it to her daughter’s graduation. With the help of Vanderbilt nurses, the graduation came to her.

“Pomp and Circumstance.” Tears. Cupcakes. All in an intensive care unit.

Promise of discovery drives Biomedical Sciences graduates

Vanderbilt awarded 66 Ph.D. degrees to an accomplished group of students in Medical Center-related departments and programs.