heart failure

Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute patient Tony Conaway with his wife, Kim.

100th patient receives ambulatory heart failure device

New implantable device helps heart failure patients monitor crucial health indicators remotely, reducing the need for hospital visits.

BMI genetics influence heart function

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered that a genetic predisposition to elevated body mass index increases the risk of diastolic dysfunction — a cardiac condition that can lead to heart failure.

Lynne Warner Stevenson, MD, has been honored for her contributions to the field of heart failure.

Stevenson receives HFSA Lifetime Achievement Award

Vanderbilt’s Lynne Warner Stevenson, MD, has received  the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Heart Failure Society of America.

VUMC team to test personalized acute heart failure treatment

Researchers at Vanderbilt have been awarded a five-year, $4 million federal grant to test whether a personalized medicine strategy will improve outcomes for patients hospitalized with acute heart failure.

Sean Collins, MD, MSci, Deonni Stolldorf, PhD, RN, and colleagues are helping other health systems implement a self-care intervention for acute heart failure patients.

Self-care program for acute heart failure patients studied as standard practice

Up to 25% of patients with acute heart failure (AHF) face mortality or hospital readmission within one month after being treated in the emergency department (ED).

Electronic health record study discovers novel hormone deficiency

A novel hormone deficiency may exist in humans, Vanderbilt investigators have discovered. In an analysis of two decades worth of electronic health records, the researchers found that some patients have unexpectedly low levels of natriuretic peptide hormone in clinical situations that should cause high levels of the hormone.

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