Hospital Hospitality House

Supporters cut the ribbon last week to celebrate the newly expanded and renamed Pinson Hospital Hospitality House, which provides lodging for families and long-term patients at Nashville-area hospitals. Front row, from left are Board Chair Lisa Slipkovich, Ann Krenson, board member C. Wright Pinson, MBA, MD, Mickey Beazley, Metro Mayor David Briley and Hospitality House Executive Director Angie Stiff. Beazley and Krenson led efforts to open the original facility in 1974. Currently located at 214 Reidhurst Ave., it was renamed at the request of philanthropists Jim and Janet Ayers (not pictured), major contributors to the renovation. “We are thrilled that the Pinson Hospital Hospitality House will be able to now accommodate even more families that are impacted by extended illnesses and injuries and have the added burden of finding affordable lodging,” said Janet Ayers.  

Hospital Hospitality House grows

Supporters cut the ribbon last week to celebrate the newly expanded and renamed Pinson Hospital Hospitality House, which provides lodging for families and long-term patients at Nashville-area hospitals.

Community service project

For its annual community service project, VUMC’s Section of Surgical Sciences collected travel-size toiletries to make 200 care packets for guests of the Hospital Hospitality House (HHH) of Nashville.