Howard Price

Howard Price’s decades-old notebook of diagnostic recipes came in handy when VUMC ran short of a component crucial to COVID-19 testing efforts.

Price’s old laboratory recipe book proves to be invaluable

Howard Price has a decades-old green notebook he keeps in his office at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and when a shortage of a critical laboratory supply nearly brought testing for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, to a halt at the Medical Center, the notebook’s contents quickly became invaluable.

The priceless notebook of Mr. Price

A vital ingredient for COVID testing was unavailable anywhere. Then Howard Price remembered a recipe in an old notebook.

Pending COVID-19 samples are prepared for testing in the Diagnostic Laboratories at VUMC.

Collaboration key to rapid expansion of lab test capacity

The rapid ramping up of SARS-CoV-2 testing at VUMC reflects the dedication of the professionals who work in the Clinical Laboratory and also their collaboration with colleagues in research laboratories throughout VUMC.

Hidden VUMC Figures event honors crucial contributions

On Monday, the Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) Office for Diversity Affairs held the inaugural “Hidden VUMC Figures” event, a tribute to employees who have made significant long-term, often behind-the-scenes, contributions to the Medical Center.

Hidden VUMC Figures event set for Oct. 16

On Monday, Oct. 16, the Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) Office for Diversity Affairs will present “Hidden VUMC Figures,” a tribute to employees who have made significant long-term contributions to the Medical Center, often behind-the-scenes.