Julie Damon

Seth Karp, MD, speaks at Monday’s 30th anniversary celebration of Vanderbilt’s liver transplant program.

Liver transplant program marks 30th anniversary

This May, the Vanderbilt Transplant Center is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its first liver transplant.

Happy anniversary

A special event was held last week celebrating the 25th anniversary of Vanderbilt’s liver transplant program.

In 1991, Julie Damon became the first person to receive a liver transplant at VUMC.

Liver transplant program celebrates 25 years of care

Twenty-five years ago, Julie Damon’s family was preparing to say their goodbyes. Comatose and on life support at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) with liver failure, the options for the 45-year-old wife and mother of two were slipping away.