Leslie Crofford


VUMC to test whether Alzheimer’s drug can ease lupus symptoms

Vanderbilt University Medical Center is partnering with Evergreen Therapeutics Inc. to test whether an Alzheimer’s drug, memantine, can improve cognitive symptoms associated with systemic lupus.

VUMC drug repurposing initiative gaining momentum

Drug repurposing involves establishing an additional approved indication for a drug already at market.

Team finds stem cell transplant improves scleroderma survival

A new clinical trial by investigators at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) and other leading medical centers found that an intensive transplant treatment using the patient’s own stem cells can improve survival and quality of life for patients with advanced scleroderma.

concept illustration of knee with pain radiating from it

Bioactive lipids and rheumatoid arthritis

An enzyme that produces bioactive fatty acids has elevated activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, supporting further studies to understand its biologic roles in the disease.

Celebration honors new holders of endowed chairs at Vanderbilt

Ten Vanderbilt University faculty members named to endowed chairs were honored Tuesday during a celebration at the Student Life Center. Their academic achievements range from imaginative scholarship on economics and development to groundbreaking discoveries about the role of DNA in memory formation.