living liver donor program

Vanderbilt performs its first pediatric living donor liver transplant

Young Cameron Campbell recently became the first pediatric patient to receive a living donor liver transplant at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.

Liver transplant donor Sam Burnett with surgical team members, from left, Lee Gordon, MD, Lea Matsuoka, MD, Sophoclis Alexopoulos, MD, Martin Montenovo, MD, Ahlie Kerr, RN, and Joseph Awad, MD.

Living liver donor program performs first transplant

The Vanderbilt Transplant Center’s newly launched living liver donor program allows relatives to donate part of their liver to their loved one, something only possible at select centers in the country.

Launch of living liver transplant program to increase availability of organs

VUMC is launching a living liver donor transplant program, significantly increasing the number of available organs for life-saving transplants.