Mamie Shepherd

Patients Jayden Bailey, 13, Aaliyah Broome, 13, and Daisy Deal, 12, asked questions of NASA astronaut Kiell Lindgren, MD, during the call.

Young patients connect with International Space Station

For six minutes on Aug. 24, patients of Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt went out of this world — or at least their voices did — to connect with the International Space Station.

Musicians can’t play for the children in person right now, so Seacrest Studio goes virtual

“Kids in Nashville” fashion show unites local artists and Children’s Hospital patients

Lab coats serve as canvases for beautiful art

Seacrest family visit

Gary, Connie and Meredith Seacrest recently made their first trip back to Seacrest Studios since opening the multimedia broadcast facility at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt last March.