medical student

Annual Shade Tree Trot set to raise funds for student-run clinics

The 11th annual Shade Tree Trot, presented by Messer Construction and Carrabba’s, is set for Saturday, April 20, at 9 a.m. on the Vanderbilt campus.

MVA summit seeks to bring more black men into health professions

Encouragement, resilience and passion were the key messages at the recent Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance (MVA) summit for black men interested in health professions titled “Navigating the Pre-Health Path.”

New equipment expands Shade Tree’s ophthalmology services

It’s been five years since the Shade Tree Clinic incorporated ophthalmology services into its student-run health clinic.

NIDDK director lauds medical student research contributions

Griffin Rodgers, MD, director of the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), was a special guest during the 10th annual NIDDK Medical Student Research Symposium held earlier this month on the Vanderbilt University campus.

White Coat Ceremony ushers in newest medical students

As the 96 members of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine’s first-year class took their seats at the front of 208 Light Hall, Bonnie Miller, MD, MMHC, welcomed them and their family members to the school’s annual Convocation and White Coat Ceremony.

Student-run clinics may reduce hospital utilization

Student-run free health clinics, a hallmark of most medical schools across the country, not only provide valuable clinical experience for the students who volunteer there, but may actually reduce hospital utilization by the patients in their care, according to a Vanderbilt study recently published in the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved.

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