medication management

Ensuring the “best possible” medication history

About 80% of hospital admission electronic records were missing a drug prescribed to an older adult, Vanderbilt researchers found, highlighting the need for a multipronged approach to address medication discrepancies and support safe prescribing practices.

A Population Health Pharmacy Team at Vanderbilt Health is piloting a program that decreases medication errors after hospital discharge. Seated, from left are, Michelle Griffith, MD; Erin Neal, PharmD, MMHC; Jennifer Booker, LCSW; and Janet Campbell, RN, BSN. Standing, from left, are Gary Owen, PharmD, MPH; Megan Monroe, PharmD; Chris Terry, PharmD, CDE; and Cate Mart, LMSW.

Pharmacy team seeks to reduce medication errors during care transition

Medication errors are a safety concern during transitions in care, such as when a patient is released from a hospital to return home. Because of this, a Population Health Pharmacy team is piloting a program to improve continuity of care.

white pills spilling out of a prescription bottle

‘Shed-Meds’ to explore helping elderly reduce number of medications

Vanderbilt University Medical (VUMC) researchers have received a $2.9 million federal grant to test the effectiveness of a new intervention that aims to help older patients reduce the number of medications they may be taking on a regular basis.

EMR tool improves process of documenting medications

Vanderbilt University Medical Center is rolling out a new electronic tool to facilitate the documentation of every patient’s home medications. Called the Med List Tool, this new part of the electronic medical record is a way for providers of all disciplines to accurately collect, record and communicate the medications a patient takes.

Study reviews medication adherence interventions

According to a medical literature review published last month in the Annals of Internal Medicine, approximately 50 percent of medications for chronic disease are not taken as prescribed.