Molecular Infectious Disease Lab

Alison Benton, SMB, and David Gaston, MD, PhD, discuss pcr data analysis as they prepare to begin in-house monkey pox testing for VUMC-affiliated practices.

Monkeypox testing available for eligible VUMC patients

Vanderbilt University Medical Center is now offering in-house monkeypox polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnostic testing for patients who are eligible.

The Molecular Infectious Disease Lab team earns spotlight for work on COVID-19 diagnostic testing

The first suspected case of COVID-19 was detected in Tennessee March 5. Within four days, the lab team identified a testing platform, obtained reagents and developed and validated the test.
By the end of the first 10 days, more than 3,300 tests had been completed.

Pending COVID-19 samples are prepared for testing in the Diagnostic Laboratories at VUMC.

Collaboration key to rapid expansion of lab test capacity

The rapid ramping up of SARS-CoV-2 testing at VUMC reflects the dedication of the professionals who work in the Clinical Laboratory and also their collaboration with colleagues in research laboratories throughout VUMC.