monoclonal antibodies

Sharon Kantanie, center, participated in the study of a drug that reduced soft-tissue flare-ups and the prevented new areas of abnormal bone formation. With her are, from left, Emily Shardelow, clinical/translational research coordinator; Sharon’s parents, Mary and Stan Kantanie; Margo Black, MSN, manager of research projects for Metabolic Bone Disorders; and Kathryn Dahir, MD, professor of Endocrinology and Diabetes. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

Drug trial shows reduced abnormal bone formation in those with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva

A Vanderbilt clinical trial evaluating the investigational drug garetosmab has shown that it reduced soft-tissue flare-ups significantly and prevented new areas of abnormal bone formation in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva.

James Crowe’s antibody research lands American Society for Microbiology Award

Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s James Crowe Jr., MD, has been named to receive the 2024 American Society for Microbiology Award for Applied and Biotechnological Research.

Vanderbilt’s Crowe receives the Building the Foundation Award from Research!America

Vanderbilt’s James Crowe Jr., MD, has received the Building the Foundation Award from Research!America, a national biomedical research advocacy organization.

Shown here is the research team that discovered monoclonal antibodies that protect against COVID-19 in high-risk individuals.

COVID antibody research conducted at VUMC lands national award

A long-acting antibody combination discovered at Vanderbilt University Medical Center that protects against COVID-19 in high-risk individuals has received a gold medal in the 2022 R&D 100 awards program announced Aug. 22 by R&D World Magazine.

Technique hastens COVID-19 antibody discovery

Optimization of a technique developed at Vanderbilt University Medical Center enables rapid and efficient identification of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies against the virus that causes COVID-19.

Crystal Wix, RN, foreground, and care partner Carolyn Forgac work with a patient in the COVID intensive care unit in September 2021.

COVID-19: two years of challenges, lessons, victories

Two years ago this week, the cataclysmic coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2 arrived in Middle Tennessee.

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