Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital

Seven children of her own, thousands of children at work: Elizabeth Humphreys honored for her leadership of the Children’s Hospital pharmacy.

“A role model who always leads by example.”

Children’s Hospital celebrates reading on Dr. Seuss’ birthday

Thing one: The adults had a good time reading their favorite books. Thing two: The children loved it, too.

Love is all around on babies’ first Valentine’s Day

Tiny feet, tiny Valentines, big love.

“Carmen from Chicago,” mystery good Samaritan nurse, identified

She’s very relieved that Geoffrey Lee, injured in the bicycle wreck, is doing OK.

A bike wreck left him dazed, hurt and bleeding. Then a Vanderbilt nurse came by.

Where in the world is Carmen from Chicago? Geoffrey Lee would like to be sure she gets credit for a good deed.

VUMC choir brings holiday cheer to Medical Center

Debut performance of United Voices of Vanderbilt brings smiles to faces of patients, families and employees.

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