New approach for staph-related skin abscesses explored

New multicenter research that includes Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) investigators, could change treatment approaches to simple skin abscesses, infections often caused by Staphylococcus aureus (staph) bacteria.

staph colonies on red petri dish

Staph ‘gangs’ share nutrients during infection: study

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria can share resources to cause chronic infections, Vanderbilt investigators have discovered. The findings shed light on a long-standing question in infectious diseases and may inform new treatment strategies.

Study finds college athletes more likely to harbor MRSA

College athletes who play contact sports are more than twice as likely to carry the deadly superbug methicillin-resistant Staphylocuccus aureus (MRSA) than peers who play non-contact sports, according to a Vanderbilt study released at IDWeek 2014.

Dismantling staph’s drug resistance

Targeting the enzyme FosB could make antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria sensitive to the antibiotic fosfomycin.

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MRSA in pregnancy may be less dangerous than previously thought

Vanderbilt pediatric infectious disease researchers studying antibiotic-resistant staph say fears that mothers carrying the germ may set their newborns up for infection are unfounded.