NIH funding

Study links neural circuit with impaired social function

Stimulating neural activity between the amygdala and the nucleus accumbens — a brain region associated with pleasure — impairs social function even though mice find the stimulation rewarding, a new study published by Vanderbilt researchers reports.

x-ray of stomach

VUMC study sheds light on gastric cancer development

VUMC researchers have created the world’s first laboratory model of precancerous changes in the lining of the stomach, a scientific tour de force that is helping to unlock the mysteries of gastric cancer development.

VUMC study to use artificial intelligence to explore suicide risk

Investigators will use computational methods to shed light on suicidal ideation and its relationship to attempted suicide, predict suicidal ideation and suicide attempt using routine electronic health records (EHRs) and explore the genetic underpinnings of both.

VUMC-led team isolates antibody that blocks bird flu

VUMC scientists are redoubling their efforts to help people fight off bird flu. Their focus is H7N9, one of the most dangerous of the influenza viruses that have been transmitted from birds to humans.

Researchers developing a focused ultrasound neuromodulation device for treating chronic pain include, from left, Charles Caskey, PhD, William Grissom, PhD, and Li Min Chen, MD, PhD.

Device studied as non-addictive option for chronic pain

Vanderbilt researchers are developing a focused ultrasound neuromodulation device as a non-invasive and non-addictive method for treating chronic pain.

A study participant at Emory University School of Medicine watches a video while an eye tracker records when and where she looks at the screen.

Autism study tracks musical rhythm as possible treatment

Researchers are partnering to study musical rhythm synchronization as a part of social development and how it’s disrupted in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in hopes of developing music interventions for improving social communication.

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