
Low potassium injures kidney

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered that low dietary potassium causes direct kidney injury, suggesting potential new targets for treating chronic kidney disease.

Diet and colorectal cancer risk

Higher dietary intake of antioxidant compounds found in fruits, vegetables, teas and spices was associated with lower risk of colorectal cancer, and intake was lower among Black participants, potentially contributing to colorectal cancer health disparities.

VUMC to support $170 million NIH nutrition research initiative

Breast cancer survivors: eat nuts

Breast cancer survivors who reported eating nuts regularly had 50% reduced risk of breast cancer recurrence, metastasis or mortality, Vanderbilt epidemiologists found in Shanghai Breast Cancer Survival Study.

The role of diet in esophageal cancer

New findings suggest that dietary calcium and magnesium affect the risk of esophageal cancer; if confirmed in interventional studies, they could inform dietary modifications to reduce the burden of this cancer.

Social distancing and spending more time at home can make it tempting to stop by the refrigerator more often. Making healthy choices can help.

Keeping good nutrition habits crucial while social distancing

Social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic could keep many people at home for weeks with fewer trips to the grocery, so it’s natural to want to eat what’s in your freezer or pantry.

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