Occupational Therapy

Justin Stehr, OTR, CHT, an occupational therapist with the Department of Plastic Surgery’s Division of Hand and Upper Extremity, works with Dawn Reed on neuromuscular re-education of her wrist extensors and grip strength. (photo Susan Urmy)

A year of teamwork restores patient’s arm after devastating accident

Hundreds of Vanderbilt Emergency Medicine, Trauma, Orthopaedic Surgery, Plastic Surgery and Occupational Therapy clinicians have played a role in saving and restoring the function of patient Dawn Reed’s right arm and hand after a utility terrain vehicle accident.

Treating delirium detected in the ED

Higher intensity physical or occupational therapy may be a useful intervention to shorten delirium duration in older hospitalized adults, Vanderbilt researchers recently reported.

Johnny Wedderburn’s positivity, kindness and innovation help patients become independent again

“He cares for the entire person and doesn’t just perform a job.”

Kinsey Jones works to pick up rubbery spiders and place them into a cup at the recent weeklong High Five Constraint Camp. There, pediatric occupational therapists place a soft cast on a child’s dominant arm and hand to restrict movement. With the dominant, stronger arm and hand casted, the child trains the weaker arm and hand to become stronger. 

High Five Constraint Camp

At the recent weeklong High Five Constraint Camp, pediatric occupational therapists help children improve a weaker limb to become stronger.

Lindsey Ham is the Occupational Therapy clinical team leader at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.

Lindsey Ham comes to work each day with her ‘game face’ on

For Lindsey Ham, Occupational Therapy clinical team lead at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, the phrases “work hard” and “play hard” are synonymous.

Athletes with disabilities inspire VUMC running volunteers

Inspiration, motivation, determination, perspiration