opioid education

Online course seeks to address opioid deaths in adolescents

Vanderbilt is providing a short online course for educators that seeks to address opioid overdose deaths among adolescents.

New training materials help clinicians stay opioid compliant

Vanderbilt University Medical Center, through the offices of its Opioid Oversight Executive Committee, is offering its employees an online tutorial, Opioid Laws — Prescribing at VUMC

VUMC receives grant for opioid education training

The AAMC Opioid Education Challenge Grant Program has selected five institutions or partnering institutions to receive an award of up to $25,000 each for opioid education training.

QuizTime app created to aid opioid education efforts for providers

Vanderbilt University Medical Center will partner with the Tennessee Department of Health to offer workplace-based education to health professionals across the state via QuizTime, a smartphone application developed at VUMC. This continuing education activity will focus on proper utilization of opioid and non-opioid therapies in managing pain.

Commission aims to revise opioid education efforts

The Tennessee Commission on Pain and Addiction Medicine Education, a group representing medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry and other health professions, recently submitted its initial recommendations on addressing the opiate crisis to Gov. Bill Haslam.