opioid prescribing

Filling multiple opioid prescriptions after childbirth associated with maternal death risk

In a new study led by Vanderbilt University Medical Center researchers, women who filled two or more prescriptions for opioids after childbirth faced a 46% greater risk of death than women who did not.

Pushing (anti-overdose) drugs

An automated alert to encourage clinicians to coprescribe naloxone for patients at risk of opioid overdose increased naloxone prescriptions per opioid prescription 16-fold.

Codeine metabolizer status in clinical practice

Vanderbilt researchers have developed a response score using genetic and clinical information to aid prescribing of the widely used pain medication codeine.

Land of plenty (of opioids)

Surgical patients are being given more opioids than they need for postsurgical pain management, raising the risk of addiction.

Image of pain pills (iStock Photo)

Reducing postoperative opioids

An opioid-restrictive prescribing protocol reduced the number of postoperative opioid prescriptions and the oral morphine equivalent per prescription.

New training materials help clinicians stay opioid compliant

Vanderbilt University Medical Center, through the offices of its Opioid Oversight Executive Committee, is offering its employees an online tutorial, Opioid Laws — Prescribing at VUMC