
Christine Farmer is thankful to be able to receive her Vanderbilt cardiology care in Hopkinsville, Kentucky.

Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Clinic in Hopkinsville provides option for local care

Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Clinic in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, in partnership with the Jennie Stuart Medical Center, offers heart patients access to local resources and specialized care in Nashville if needed.

Installing the wireless pacemaker requires only a minimally invasive surgery using a catheter inserted in a vein.

Tiny pacemaker helps keep patient’s heart in rhythm

In February, Martha Hawks became the Southeast’s first recipient of the Medtronic Micra AV, the latest version of the tiny pacemaker that Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute began testing in a clinical trial in 2014. The FDA approved the latest device in January.

electricity arcing in a heart shape between two exposed wires

Mutation raises heart block risk

A newly identified genetic risk factor for heart block after surgery may help guide the course of postoperative care.

Heart Institute testing world’s tiniest pacemaker

Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute is participating in a global clinical trial to test the safety and efficacy of the world’s smallest pacemaker.