patient and family promise

Donna Butler-Rawson always greets patients with a smile and reassurance — especially important in her role in the electroconvulsive therapy program

Butler-Rawson earns inaugural Patient and Family Choice Award for Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital

Sylvia Groth once commuted to work on cross country skis to keep an appointment with her patient. As a native Minnesotan, a little snow couldn’t stop her.

Her dedication earned her a Patient and Family Choice Award.

I passed out cold in this Vanderbilt doctor’s office in the 1980s. I’ve never forgotten her reaction.

A brief encounter with a good doctor echoes through the years

Ideas abound for fulfulling Patient and Family Promise

Beginning this week, the first of a series of six messages is being distributed to Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) employees highlighting ways to best fulfill the Vanderbilt Patient and Family Promise, a guiding principle that was created by patients and providers and adopted at VUMC in 2013.

Program sets gold standard for Guest Services

When Guest Services employees asked about changing their uniforms, it developed into more than a simple adjustment in material or color.