Reporter March 17 2017

Blocking neuroblastoma cell growth

An inhibitor of cell metabolism may be a good therapeutic target for neuroblastoma, which accounts for about 15 percent of pediatric cancer-related deaths.

Delirium in the ED

Interventions for delirium in the emergency department setting are needed to preserve patients’ long-term function and cognition, Vanderbilt investigators have found.

New target for colorectal cancer

Vanderbilt investigators have discovered that activated epidermal growth factor receptor may be a target for therapies to prevent colorectal cancer development.

bright yellow water pump

Study catches ‘notorious’ drug pump in action

Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) have mapped the conformational changes that occur in a protein “notorious” for pumping chemotherapeutic drugs out of cancer cells and blocking medications from reaching the central nervous system.

Social worker Jones thrives on helping patients, families

“Today I will be happier than a bird with a french fry” reads a sign next to the door as you exit Stacy Jones’ office on the 8th floor of Vanderbilt University Adult Hospital (VUAH). As a social worker on the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) at Vanderbilt, the sign’s wording fits Jones’ personality.

premature baby sleeping on mom's chest

Premature infants in NICU do better with touch: study

Treatment in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) saves millions of infants born prematurely every year. But treatment is not without cost. Painful procedures such as needle pricks can impact early brain development.

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