Reporter Oct 16 2015

Biomarker for intestinal tumors

A new marker could be useful for diagnosing and treating neuroendocrine tumors of the small intestines.

A bundle, a dashboard and lasting pneumonia reduction

A “bundle” of electronically implemented care guidelines reduced intensive care unit patient complications related to mechanical ventilation.

Healing without scarring

Drugs that inhibit the Wnt signaling pathway can regenerate injured skin and may be useful in treating fibromatosis, degenerative joint disease and cancer.


Risk of death in the ICU

The irregular heart rhythm atrial fibrillation increases the risk of death in patients in the intensive care unit.

Jeff Balser, M.D., Ph.D.

Rounds: A message from the Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs

As the heat of summer fades away and we welcome the cooler days of autumn, I write to share thoughts about our work together in the coming days.

Shah named to direct VHVI’s heart transplant program

Ashish Shah, M.D., has joined Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute (VHVI) as director of Heart Transplant and Mechanical Circulatory Support.

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