
Jeff Balser, M.D., Ph.D.

Rounds: A message from the Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs

As many of you know, I have spent the majority of my life at Vanderbilt. I have been a student, a faculty member, and for more than a decade have served as an administrative leader.

Rounds: A message from the Vice Chancellor

Last month, as the impact of federal budget sequestration (the “sequester”) became reality, I pledged to communicate with you frequently about the unprecedented financial challenges before us, and steps we must all proactively engage.

Vice Chancellor Jeff Balser (Vanderbilt)

Rounds: A message from the Vice Chancellor

I write to you this month in the wake of a series of immediate federal expense reductions, known as the “sequester.” True, the country is grappling with a federal debt load that is unsustainable, and reversal of this trend is essential to our country’s future.

Rounds: A message from the Vice Chancellor

On a recent Monday afternoon, the Pediatric Emergency Department at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt moved — within minutes — from the typical hustle and bustle of seeing and admitting patients to an entire children’s hospital on a state of full community alert.

Rounds: A message from the Vice Chancellor

Rounds: A message from the Vice Chancellor

Even though I’ve spent the majority of my career at Vanderbilt, I still look up when I hear the sound of LifeFlight approaching. And I still notice when injured patients are chronicled in newscasts nearly every night with the steady refrain “taken to Vanderbilt.”

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