Sayeh Nikpay

Kevin Johnson and Reed Omary want to put a podcast in your ear

Faculty members’ podcasts focus on biomedical informatics and future design of health care

New podcast seeks to explain health care system’s many mysteries

Everyone wants to fix the massive and complex U.S. health care system. But the truth is there is no silver bullet that will seamlessly reform the industry that consumes one-fifth the world’s largest economy.

Uninsured emergency department visits down after Medicaid expansion

Fewer uninsured patients are walking through the doors of Emergency Departments in states that expanded Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), even though the total number of visits has increased since 2014, according to an Annals of Emergency Medicine study released Monday.

Black and white photo of nurse and child in hospital from the 1960s

Early experience with federal health coverage suggests how future Medicaid reforms may work

Proposed Medicaid reforms are similar to the capped federal financing system in place during the ’50s and early ’60s, when states generally reimbursed a much smaller proportion of health care for the needy.