scott zuckerman

Scott Zuckerman, MD, MPH, left, Aaron Yengo-Kahn, MD, and colleagues are studying sports-related concussion recovery patterns in young Black and white athletes.

Study explores concussion recovery by race

Vanderbilt researchers are exploring the outcomes and experiences of Black and White athletes following a sports-related concussion.

New registry seeks answers to sports concussion mysteries

News of sport-related concussions may rule airtime on ESPN, but it wasn’t until the early 2000s that the situational factors surrounding concussions and the severity of symptoms were studied from a medical perspective.

Study finds concussion severity worsens later in football season

New research by the Vanderbilt Sports Concussion Center indicates the severity of concussions among high school football players is worse later in the season.

Study finds family history may play role in young athletes’ recovery from concussion

Young athletes who experience a sports-related concussion are more likely to suffer a prolonged period of symptoms if they also have a family history of mood disorders, psychiatric illnesses or migraines, according to a study from the Vanderbilt Sports Concussion Center (VSCC) published in Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics.

Age doesn’t impact concussion symptoms: study

Recent scientific findings have raised the fear that young athletes may fare worse after sustaining a sports-related concussion than older athletes.

VU study shows no gender gap in sports concussions

A new study conducted to review symptoms and neurocognitive findings in male and female high school soccer players revealed no gender-related differences.