Sherry Perry

Rebecca Plowman, RN, was among the speakers discussed how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted front-line health care providers.

How caregivers can reclaim what COVID-19 took away

Vanderbilt University Medical Center hosted an online “Bedside Matters” to discuss the toll the COVID-19 pandemic has taken on front-line providers of health care.

A death or serious injury of a parent can mean a scared and bewildered child. Arielle Silverman helps children understand and cope.

She has worked with children varying in age from under 2 years old to teenagers as old as 18.

Tears of joy, tears of sorrow — College sweethearts, a COVID unit wedding, and a love story that ended too soon

The inside story of how VUMC’s COVID unit staff pulled together to arrange a wedding, and a reminder that not every love story has a happy ending

On the front lines of COVID with a word and a prayer

Sherry Perry knows what it’s like to have COVID, and she brings her experience to patients and families as chaplain on VUMC’s COVID unit

David Hansen is a doctor, pianist and composer. His gift of music is lifting spirits, including in the COVID unit.

He has made his songs of healing available to patients in Vanderbilt University Adult Hospital

Bereavement calls helping to aid grieving families

There has been nothing normal about the COVID-19 pandemic, and grieving the loss of a life at a time when families have been unable to gather beside a bedside to say goodbye, or to even hold a traditional funeral, has been one of the worst consequences of this health crisis’s uncharted territory.