Susan Meyn

Research assistant Mahsa Majedi loads reagent used in DNA sample preparation in the genomics lab. She is part of a team of more than a dozen people at VUMC who are “sprinting” to develop — within 90 days — an antibody-based treatment to stop the spread of the Zika virus.

VUMC research ramps up in COVID-19 transition

As Nashville cautiously begins to emerge from its two-month-long COVID-19 Safer at Home response, so too are the labs and facilities at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Forum highlights innovative approaches to bolstering biomedical research

How can we — together — make research at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) better and stronger?

New management software bolsters research cores

This month the Office of Research at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) began transitioning VUMC research cores, facilities and shared resources (known collectively as “cores”) to a new core management application that officials said will streamline ordering and billing for core services.