The Great Physician

Emergency Medicine’s Jones thrives on variety

Last May, Ian Jones, M.D., associate professor of Emergency Medicine and executive medical director of Emergency Services at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, stopped in his tracks when news reports flashed about lava overflowing the crater lake at the summit of the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii.

Pediatric Rheumatology’s Graham driven to care

A thank-you message is pinned to the wall of the work room of T. Brent Graham, M.D., and his team. The crayon-penned note reads simply, “Than you for tacen car of me Dr. Graham.”

Breast imaging’s Huff dedicated to precision

A series of beautiful photographs of turquoise waves curling over a sandy beach sits above the desk of John Huff, M.D. An accomplished photographer whose work has been exhibited at shows in Nashville as well as regional invitational shows in Louisville, Birmingham, and the International Center for Photography in New York, Huff said most people think the framed photos are all the same image. But each photo is slightly different and to him, it is the details that matter.

Chance to help others drives neurosurgeon Thompson

The tears Reid Thompson, M.D., shed one day as a medical student left an indelible mark.

Wright loves her patients and their mysteries

Everyone knew everyone in Patty Wright’s hometown of Scottsville, Kentucky, population 4,336.

Pulmonologist Moore always strives to bring his ‘A game’

Paul Moore, M.D., has lived two places in his life: Nashville and Boston. He credits experiences and people in both cities for helping shape him into the physician, pulmonary specialist (and sports fan) that he is today.

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