Thomas Wang

Study team uses metabolomics to study longevity

The keys to longevity have been a source of curiosity and the basis of many research studies for years, yet the mechanisms underlying a person’s ability to live a long life are still not fully understood.

Vitamin D found to have no impact on blood pressure

Despite prior epidemiologic and experimental data to the contrary, new research shows that vitamin D supplementation does not reduce blood pressure in individuals with prehypertension or stage I hypertension and vitamin D deficiency.

Study finds few meet criteria for healthy cardiovascular lifestyle

When it comes to taking care of our hearts, there is a big divide between what we should do and what we actually do, a new multi-institution study reports.

BioVU to collect plasma in hunt for heart failure clues

Vanderbilt’s biobank, BioVU, has begun to collect and store plasma, the liquid part of blood, to aid studies of diseases ranging from heart failure and hypertension to breast cancer.

AHA grant creates coalition to prevent heart disease, stroke

Vanderbilt University Medical Center is one of four institutions that are part of a new research network aimed at preventing heart disease and stroke, the two leading causes of death in the world.

Nine faculty honored with endowed chairs

Nine Vanderbilt University faculty members named to endowed chairs were honored for their academic achievements during a celebration Jan. 22 at the Student Life Center.

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