Tina Iverson

Assembling cell power plant machinery

Tina Iverson and colleagues provide a structural view into the assembly of a protein machine essential for cellular energy production.

Cell fate signaling

A newly identified protein interaction that affects cell cycle regulation may be an attractive target for cancer therapy.

Signals from the “conveyor belt”

Vanderbilt researchers propose that cellular signaling pathways are amplified by a “conveyor belt” mechanism that exchanges active and inactive enzymes.

How strep grabs on to platelets

New structural details of the binding of the bacterium Streptococcus sanguinis to platelets may offer new therapeutics for life-threatening cardiovascular infections.

Bridging the antibiotic gap

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered how certain molecules with antibiotic properties are synthesized, findings that could lead to new drugs that overcome the increased antibiotic resistance in bacteria.

Nobel in Chemistry reveals VU ties that bind

Several Vanderbilt researchers have collaborated with this year’s Nobel Chemistry winners.