Vanderbilt Center for Addiction Research

Histamine circuits in brain reward center

Histamine — commonly associated with allergies — also has a signaling role in the brain’s reward center and may offer a novel target for treating addiction.

NIAAA director Koob set for Nov. 5 virtual Discovery Lecture

The Discovery Lecture Series launches this fall with a webinar format, the first featuring George Koob, PhD, director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health.

Blocking stress-induced relapse

Danny Winder and colleagues are teasing apart the actions of neurotransmitter receptors in a brain region linked to anxiety and addiction, with a goal of finding treatments for substance use disorders.

Modulating stress circuits

Danny Winder and colleagues demonstrate an interaction between two signaling pathways — and its impact on the activity of neurons that respond to stress.

Four researchers receive Young Investigator Grants

Four Vanderbilt University researchers are among 200 recipients of this year’s Young Investigator Grants awarded by the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation to support “innovative ideas for groundbreaking neurobiological research.”

Center for Addiction Research Science Day slated for Nov. 16

Margaret Haney, PhD, director of the Cannabis Research Laboratory at Columbia University Medical Center, will discuss “The Yin and Yang of Cannabis,” Friday, Nov. 16, during the second annual Science Day hosted by the Vanderbilt Center for Addiction Research (VCAR).