Vanderbilt Comprehensive Care Clinic

Leslie Reese helps patients living with HIV navigate life. From arranging appointments and transportation to educating patients on medicines, there’s ‘truly no problem she can’t solve.’

“No matter how difficult the task may be, Leslie finds a way to make someone’s life better.”

In 1994, Harold “Scottie” Scott’s HIV-positive status was covered on the local news. He has been an educator ever since.

Now, 25 years after his announcement, Scott’s mission remains the same: to educate others on the history of HIV, dispel myths and break down stigma.

Katrina Robertson went from death’s door to a full life. Her story is one of thousands from the first 25 years of the Vanderbilt Comprehensive Care Clinic

The VCCC opened its doors 25 years ago when AIDS was fatal and hope was rare. Today the clinic serves thousands of patients and is an international model in the treatment of people with HIV.