Vanderbilt Dermatology Translational Research Clinic

Benoit Dawant, PhD, left, Erik Tkaczyk, MD, PhD, and colleagues have developed a new way to measure human monkeypox severity.

Vanderbilt study uses AI to speed mpox drug trials

A machine learning algorithm developed by researchers at Vanderbilt performs as well as humans at identifying skin lesions in clinical photographs of people with monkeypox.

Inga Saknite, PhD, Eric Tkaczyk, MD, PhD, and colleagues are studying how white blood cell motion in the skin’s microvasculature can help predict which stem cell and bone marrow transplant patients would have a relapse of their blood cancer. (photo by Anne Rayner)

Study finds 10-second videos predict blood cancer relapse

Vanderbilt research shows that 10-second videos of white blood cell motion in the skin’s microvasculature greatly improved the prediction of which stem cell and bone marrow transplant patients would have a relapse of their blood cancer.