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Vanderbilt Cancer Survivors Day is Nov. 1 and features musical guest Soul Incision.
For more than twenty years, Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center’s (VICC) primary source of outside funding has been provided by the National Institutes of Health. But in breast cancer, Susan G. Komen, a nonprofit dedicated to breast cancer research and community services, has been a significant sponsor of research and patient care support.
The glutamine transporter protein appears to contribute to the survival of lung cancer cells, suggesting it may be a useful diagnostic biomarker and target for therapies.
Two Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center (VICC) investigators — Jennifer Pietenpol, Ph.D., B.F. Byrd Jr. Professor of Oncology and director of VICC, and Valerie Jansen, M.D., Ph.D., medical oncology fellow — have received new cancer research grants awarded by Susan G. Komen, the world’s largest nonprofit funder of breast cancer research.
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center (VICC) has been recognized for the impact of its research programs and excellence in patient care by a panel of National Cancer Institute (NCI) reviewers, receiving an overall “exceptional” score as part of the renewal of the Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG).
Cancer patients, family members and those who care for cancer patients often need a way to express the deep and often lasting emotions that a cancer diagnosis can bring.
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