Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health

Grant helps expand health care, education programs in Zambia

Vanderbilt University is dramatically expanding its health care and education activities in the southern African nation of Zambia.

Six VUSN, VUSM students selected for global health effort

Three students in Vanderbilt University School of Nursing’s Master of Science in Nursing program and three rising fourth-year Vanderbilt University School of Medicine students have been selected as 2012 Frist Global Health Leaders.

Spelling out HIV risk in urban China

Research reveals clues to HIV risk in Chinese men who have sex with other men.

Making order out of ordinal data

A new statistical tool developed by Vanderbilt biostatisticians will help medical researchers make sense of a commonly encountered – but hard-to-analyze – type of data.

‘Acid test’ for cervical cancer

An inexpensive, low-tech test for cervical cancer may be a good option for screening for the disease among HIV-infected women in developing countries.

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