Vanderbilt School of Nursing

A multidisciplinary team is studying ways to mitigate nursing staff shortages and improve care for underserved groups following hospital discharge. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

VUMC receives state grant to evaluate innovative models of nursing care that include screening and responding to social drivers of health

Vanderbilt University Medical Center has received a to evaluate innovative models of nursing care that include screening and responding to social drivers of health to better meet the needs of all VUMC patients.

Five-year, multi-site trial to assess lymphedema prevention concludes

Lymphedema study results could be a game-changer for breast cancer patients and survivors. The Vanderbilt-led trial found that patients with early detection who used L-Dex with additional intervention were less likely to progress to chronic lymphedema than patients monitored with a tape measure receiving the same intervention. 

Midwives saving lives

The mother of the groom was choking at a wedding reception. A person needed CPR on a plane. Two Vanderbilt midwives stepped up.

Tears of joy, tears of sorrow — College sweethearts, a COVID unit wedding, and a love story that ended too soon

The inside story of how VUMC’s COVID unit staff pulled together to arrange a wedding, and a reminder that not every love story has a happy ending

Katrina Robertson went from death’s door to a full life. Her story is one of thousands from the first 25 years of the Vanderbilt Comprehensive Care Clinic

The VCCC opened its doors 25 years ago when AIDS was fatal and hope was rare. Today the clinic serves thousands of patients and is an international model in the treatment of people with HIV.

Patty Hofstetter came to Vanderbilt as a teenager. She never left — until now.

A conversation with the 41-year veteran nurse upon her retirement.