Vanderbilt Stallworth Hospital

Owen Canavan was badly injured six years ago. He uses experience to encourage others recovering from traumatic injuries.

In 2017, Canavan was working out at a fitness center when a car came crashing into the building and pinned him against a wall. In the span of a week, he underwent eight surgeries.

Marcus Trammell almost died on his way to pick up some pandemic takeout. A year later, his amazing rehab journey continues.

The long way back from the turn lane in front of Dino’s Bar and Grill

Volunteer gardeners bring creativity, imagination and fine motor skills to rehabilitation patients

The team helped liven up Stallworth’s courtyard by planting sweet potato vines, basil, daisies, roses, mint, rosemary and oregano.

Carly Schroeder had a stroke in her 20s. Now 10 years later, she is thankful for her life, her family and the care she received at Vanderbilt

“I’m eternally grateful to all the people that helped me through that dark time.”

Athletes with disabilities inspire VUMC running volunteers

Inspiration, motivation, determination, perspiration