
VHAN achieves largest shared savings distribution

The Vanderbilt Health Affiliated Network (VHAN) distributed $17.7 million in shared savings and performance bonuses from commercial and Medicare contracts this year.

Vanderbilt Health Affiliated Network clinicians and staff have been providing the highest levels of care in the region for 10 years.

Vanderbilt Health Affiliated Network marks 10 years of driving health care innovation

Webinars to address depression, anxiety in children

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that each year as many as one out of every five children experience a mental disorder, and the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified stress and separated children from their friends and normal activities such as in-person classes and sports.

Hickson named to new VUMC leadership roles

Gerald Hickson, MD, Joseph C. Ross Professor of Medical Education and Administration, will assume new leadership and advisory roles with the Center for Patient and Professional Advocacy (CPPA) and the Vanderbilt Health Affiliated Network (VHAN), beginning Jan. 1, 2020.

Russell Rothman, MD, MPP, speaks at last week’s MidSouth Practice Transformation Network (PTN): Vanderbilt Health Affiliated Network Summer Summit.

Summit highlights clinical improvement successes

A summit at Vanderbilt reviewed achievements of an ongoing regional effort to transform clinical practices in ways that would improve the quality of patient care, reduce costs and improve health outcomes

University Health Network and Vanderbilt Health Affiliated Network join forces to create statewide value-based health care alliance

The University Health Network (UHN), a clinically integrated network and accountable care organization (ACO) based in Knoxville that includes The University of Tennessee Medical Center (UTMC) and University Physicians’ Association (UPA), as well as various partnerships and joint ventures with physicians and health care companies across East Tennessee, has announced an affiliation with the Vanderbilt Health Affiliated Network (VHAN), a network of providers working together to transform health care to be more proactive, accessible and affordable for all.

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