VUMC Nursing

Near-death experiences focus of Octoberfest lecture

Most of the people who work in critical care medicine have cared for patients who have had near-death experiences, but many patients are reluctant to discuss such experiences with caregivers, said Debbie James, MSN, R.N., a critical care nurse and senior nursing instructor at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio.

Initiatives help spur VUMC nursing’s progress: Dubree 

Executive Chief Nursing Officer Marilyn Dubree, MSN, R.N., delivered the 2015 State of Nursing Address to a full audience in Light Hall on May 14 as a part of Nurses Week, an annual occasion to celebrate nurses. It was a time to assess where Vanderbilt Nursing is today, and where it’s going.

Photo: Magnet journey

On Jan. 9, the Magnet Education Committee officially launched its efforts to help the Medical Center once again obtain Magnet recognition, the highest honor for nursing.

Research by VUMC nurses takes center stage at annual event

Nursing research was on full display in Light Hall recently during the Research Day Poster Presentations, organized by the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and Nursing Research Committee.

VUMC Nursing Staff Bylaws guide way to latest, best practices

More than 150 nurses from Vanderbilt University Medical Center convened in Langford Auditorium recently for an occasion that happens once every two years: the Nursing Staff Bylaws Convention.

Perioperative nursing association honors Wyatt

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