William Obremskey

William Obremskey named executive medical director of Vanderbilt Supply Chain Services

William Obremskey, MD, MPH, MMHC, has been named executive medical director of Vanderbilt Supply Chain Services for Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

A study found that aspirin counteracts clotting as effectively as other treatments and is also cheaper.

Aspirin’s effectiveness at preventing blood clots studied

A Vanderbilt study found that aspirin is as effective as low molecular weight heparin at preventing hospital-acquired deep venous thromboembolism, or blood clots in the veins, for orthopaedic trauma patients.

William Nolan and Cassie Rooke were treated at VUMC after being injured in a windstorm last year.

Couple takes on recovery together after storm injuries

On a beautiful Sunday in May 2020, Cassie Rooke and William Nolan decided to go on a hike at their usual spot in Percy Warner Park.

Health collaborative helps rural hospitals curb operating costs

Alomere Health, a 99-bed hospital in rural Alexandria, Minnesota, is bucking a trend — thanks in large measure to its participation in the Vanderbilt Health Purchasing Collaborative (VHPC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

DOD study to explore guidelines for ankle, knee surgery patients

Although military personnel often suffer ankle and knee fractures requiring surgery, there’s no definitive consensus on when they should stop using crutches and start putting weight on their injured limbs again.