Year in Review 2020

Challenges, achievements share spotlight in 2020

The year 2020 will forever be defined by the global COVID-19 pandemic, and Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s response to it has been nothing short of stunning.
The entire enterprise — clinical, research and education — began preparing for the pandemic’s impact even before the first cases appeared in Tennessee in March, and that dedicated commitment and unceasing effort did not waver in the long months that followed. But while COVID-19 dominated the news during 2020, there were still many other noteworthy achievements that made headlines during the year.

Year in Review 2020: Medical Center shines in multiple national rankings

During the past year, Vanderbilt University Medical Center placed highly in several national rankings and was honored with numerous awards.

Year in Review 2020: Leadership appointments bolster VUMC’s missions

New leadership appointments during the past year helped strengthen Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s core missions.